Baking Bread, an Art and a Science

Welcome and thank you for reading! I decided to start this blog mainly for my own notes as I adventure through my amateur bread baker status.

I like to bake, but really only breads and muffins. I have recently discovered my love of baking breads during my first pregnancy. I was becoming more and more conscience of what I was eating, as a result I thought I'd try some of our go to meals but with more of a homemade twist. It all started with cinnamon rolls, an item I have yet to master.

Mainly I stick with a basic boule recipe or a honey whole wheat. The experimentation is with different methods of proof time, ingredient ratios and different methods for yeast activation.

I'm hoping this blog can inspire the plain ole home cook to start making breads in house. I find it easy, relaxing and somewhat fool proof. My family benefits directly from my new hobby, and I get an opportunity to explore this new endeavor--maybe one day it will be a passion.

Baking breads, to me, is so beautiful. It's one of the oldest forms of nourishment. The fact that each ingredient works together to come alive, form a loaf of goodness, each time it's different. Each technique brings a new result. Trial and art and a science.

My goal is to share my daily/weekly bakes, methods I've tried and outcomes.

God Bless and thank you for reading!


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